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Supporting Nurses - Training for Preceptors, Mentors & Coaches

Time limit: 180 days

$125 Enroll

Full course description

Are you ready to take your nursing career to the next level? Join our Supporting Nurses Course and learn essential skills and knowledge to become an effective preceptor, mentor, and coach. Our dynamic training modules are backed by the latest research and best practices and will teach you how to guide new nurses toward success. You'll learn how to build strong, supportive relationships with learners, develop their critical thinking and decision-making skills, and tackle challenges in the clinical setting. Our program emphasizes self-care and professional development, giving you the confidence and knowledge to positively impact the next generation of nurses. Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your nursing career and inspire future leaders in the field. It is delivered asynchronously via online learning modalities, including microlearning videos, self-assessments, short readings, reflective questions, and discussion prompts. Enroll now and unleash your potential for supporting nurses! 


Fees and Refunds 

$125 for the individual users.


Nursing Contact Hours 

The University of Iowa College of Nursing is an Iowa Board of Nursing provider #1. With full-time attendance, 5.0 contact hours will be awarded. Participants will view 100% of the program content, receive an 80% or greater on review questions, and participate in all asynchronous discussion boards. Partial credit will not be given for this program.


Outline & Objectives: 

Section 1: Roles & Responsibilities 

  • Compare and contrast the role & responsibilities of preceptor, mentor, and clinical coach. 
  • Define roles and responsibilities of the learning champion in the development of nurses new to the workplace. 

Section 2: Self-Management

  • Apply self-care strategies for clinician well-being. 
  • Develop a self-care action plan. 

Section 3: Relationships with Learners

  • Demonstrate practical strategies for building a respectful, trusting, relationship with the newly hired nurse. 
  • Apply effective methods for working with diverse newly hired registered nurses. 
  • Describe strategies for effective communication. 

Section 4: Adult Learning 

  • Utilize adult learning principles to enhance the learning environment.
  • Describe the process for assessing learning needs. 
  • Adapt learning plans to meet the needs of each learning style. 
  • Develop individual teaching plans based on adult learning principles and learning styles. 

Section 5: Evaluation & Feedback 

  • Utilize different evaluation tools based on the individual situation. 
  • Apply constructive feedback techniques for supporting the newly hired registered nurse. 
  • Explain ways to effectively address undesirable behavior.

Section 6: Practical Teaching Strategies 

  • Apply situated coaching techniques to guide learners with development of clinical skills. 
  • Demonstrate practical strategies for building the nurse’s critical thinking and decision-making skills. 
  • Explain ways in which to develop the prioritization, delegation, and time management skills of the nurse.